

We finally made a trip up to Fish Lake, it was a last minute trip but it ended up working out great with good weather and good fishing. We caught around 30 fish including perch, splake, rainbows, and a mac...
We wanted to get in one last good fishing trip so Griz, CJ and I all got it worked out to leave Thursday night and come back Saturday afternoon...

CJ caught the first rainbow trout and fish of the trip...
We jigged a little bit for the Big Macs but we mostly trolled the whole time...
The downrigger proved itself this trip...we caught one mac and five splake at around 50 to 70 feet deep...
Griz with the Biggest rainbow at 2 in half pounds...
The Mac weighed close to 3 pounds...pretty fish!!!

The camp site...
The setup...it was a great short but sweet trip!

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