

We finally made a trip up to Fish Lake, it was a last minute trip but it ended up working out great with good weather and good fishing. We caught around 30 fish including perch, splake, rainbows, and a mac...
We wanted to get in one last good fishing trip so Griz, CJ and I all got it worked out to leave Thursday night and come back Saturday afternoon...

CJ caught the first rainbow trout and fish of the trip...
We jigged a little bit for the Big Macs but we mostly trolled the whole time...
The downrigger proved itself this trip...we caught one mac and five splake at around 50 to 70 feet deep...
Griz with the Biggest rainbow at 2 in half pounds...
The Mac weighed close to 3 pounds...pretty fish!!!

The camp site...
The setup...it was a great short but sweet trip!


Month of July Update!!!

This has been a busy month for the B.R.A. members to try and get there last little fishing in with one of the C.E.O.'s heading off to Phoenix, Arizona. Powell Worthy has sure put some serious work into fishing this month. The B.R.A. will continue to be strong but might be a little slow for some updates within the next couple months, unless we can get some of you guys to send in some pics. There have been many good fishing memories with friends and family over the 5 years I have lived here in St. George and I hope to continue these memories into the future. These are the kind of stories you can tell your kids over and over again and here is some good pics of Tyler Vanlehn, Monroe Payne and I all fishing it up at Sand Hollow a couple weeks ago.

All three of us caught a fish at the same time, it was pretty sweet!

Tyler was hot so he jumped in to see if he could see Monroe catch a Bluegill...

Tyler watching the fish come up...

There it is...

Tyler caught many Bluegill fishing in the water, we all thought it was impossible but he proved us wrong...it can be done!

Roe with the biggest Bass of the day, he won our morning tourney that we had...

The bass weighed 3.8 pounds...it even got caught on a rock and I jumped in to pull it off the rock stag and Roe reeled it in...we all had a great time as always!


JUNE 2010 Update...

Fishing Report...2010
These past couple of weeks have been really busy so we have not had a chance to go out fishing much. The one time we did go we caught a lot of Bluegill. We have not bass fished for a while but hope to go within the next few weeks a lot. For those of you who want to go out contact the B.R.A. and we will go. Fishing continues to be good at Sand Hollow with the bass up shallow and deep. If you want to catch a lot of Bluegill, they are everywhere around the lake from shallow to about 25 feet of water, just try to graph them and good luck fishing out there on the water!!!

100 Bluegill to be exact on the table...
We caught around 130 total from about 9a.m. till around 3p.m.
The cooler smells so good now...
100 BLUEGILL !!!


Fishing Update May-June

-Weekly Fishing Report-
Sand Hollow is always producing some good sized Bass along with many small bass as well. The Bass have been acting different with the different weather changes but can be found up shallow as well as deeper ranging from 25 to 30 ft.
Looking to fish Quail Lake more within the next few weeks...

Trae Taylor is our newest B.R.A. member (Platinum Status)
I had to throw in a nice sunset picture
Trae with his third bass of the day, he caught 4 within a couple hours and this was his biggest around 2 pounds...he is quite the fisherman!
Chris Hoppie with a nice 4.4lbs caught in about 15 feet of water...he finally gets a legit picture for the B.R.A.


Weekly Update...May 2010!!!

These past couple of weeks have been really good fishing all around Southern Utah, especially Lake Powell. We managed to knock down a couple big toads this past week, and it will only continue to get better with this warmer weather. The Bass at Sand Hollow have been acting a little different going shallow one day and deep the next. The trick is to cast both ways and you will be able to bring in some good fish.

Two newest members this week and they are both platinum status. Brandon Taylor and Greg Warby are our two newest members to the B.R.A.
Brandon caught his biggest bass he has ever caught with us early this week 4.15lbs basically a 5 pounder...
While Greg caught the first crappie at Sand Hollow that the B.R.A. has seen...

-4 Pounder Club-
CJ with a 4.10lbs TOAD...he had a bigger one earlier in the afternoon but it got off, but we think it would have taken the B.R.A. record!!!
Brandon with his biggest Bass ever 4.15lbs 1 oz. off of 5...we will just say its a 5 pounder...
I caught this in the early morning, 4.8lbs...
Greg with his first bass...he had his own technique and did very well!
CJ with his first crappie ever at Sand Hollow!!!
Greg with the first crappie I have seen at Sand Hollow...


Updates from Sand Hollow


Latest fishing reports and pictures within the past two weeks...
The fishing has been good but will get even better once we can have some nice calm weather without the wind and cold fronts.
The bass at Quail Lake and Sand Hollow have been more active and some have been spawning and moving up shallower. The only issue is the cold fronts so if you can fish within a span where there is good warm weather, you will have more luck!!!
Fish will continue to spawn through out the month and anything you throw at the they will hit especially if the Female Bass are sitting on their nest, the males will be cruising the shorelines and hitting almost anything you throw at them as well.

Good Luck and send in your pics to Bassridersassociation@gmail.com

Dan White with a nice Largemouth caught on a very chilly morning...
Pops with a nice fat Bass...caught up in the shallows! We went out just the three of us before my graduation and managed to catch 22 Largemouth Bass, most of them around 1.5 to 2 lbs.
Shelbs and I went out to hang out and fish a bit, we caught around 12 within a matter of a couple hours. We landed both of these fish at the same time so we had to take a picture, it was pretty sweet!
Tom Orton our newest member to the B.R.A. was so excited to catch a BASS, he about fell out of the boat when he caught this one...
Tyler Vanlehn wanted to hold his bass like that...it was pretty windy as you can see his hair flopping in the wind!
CJ with his biggest bass so far at Sand Hollow it weighted exactly 3 lbs.
I caught this one with Tyler and Tom in the wind, it surprised me how big and fat it was, it weighted 4.2 lbs.


Lake Mead 2010

First annual Bass Riders Association Spring Lake Mead Fishing Trip 2010!

First Largemouth Bass caught on Lake Mead by the Bass Riders Crew!! This bass was spawning and protecting a nest. C.J. actually caught this same fish twice. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

First Crappie ever caught by Brian. This fish was protecting his bed and Brian threw every lure he had in front of him till he finally hooked the little sucker.

We caught a lot of stripers but never landed a big daddy. The biggest one we caught was almost three pounds. We did catch enough fish to keep us entertained and happy.

This big channel cat hit a plastic weedless tube that Brain threw out hoping to catch a bass. As soon as the tube hit the water, this big cat was all over it. He ended up being a great meal!!

The biggest striper of the trip!

We pulled into a cove to fish and heard these wild Burros or donkeys going crazy. We beached the boat and took after them on foot to try to get some good pictures. They were not too scared and we did get pretty close. There were over 20 Burros in the back of this cove so we officially named that place Donkey cove.

Overall, it was a successful fishing trip to Lake Mead for the B.R.A. We caught over 40 fish in just two and a half days. We caught stripers, catfish, largemouth bass, a smallmouth bass, and a crappie. The weather was perfect and the day we left, the shad were starting to run. Stripers are hitting everything from crankbaits, rattletraps, anchovies, squid and even cut bait from carp. We anticipate this week and weekend to be really good fishing down there and encourage everyone to give it a try. As always good luck out there on the water, and make sure to send in pictures at anytime.


2010 Lake Mead Trip

April 23, 24, and 25th, the Bass Riders will be fishing Lake Mead up in the Overton Arm. The bass spawn is near if not already started and the striper should be active. We have a few fishing tactics planned and will make a post with pictures and tips soon after the 25th. For all of you gearing up for the Bass spawn, get ready because Sand Hollow is most likely going to be next week and Quail soon after. Make time and prepare now because it is going to be great.


The fishing is starting to pick up at Lake Powell, but the water is still cold which makes the fish less active but not impossible to catch. We tried a lot of different techniques from trolling to drop shot worms, we caught most of our fish on the berkley powerworm. Any dark color will work right now but it seems within these next few weeks the bass will start to spawn. We caught a lot of small fish but within the next few weeks the big bass will be caught. The fishing will only get better from here on out so make plans to go and send pictures to the B.R.A.

We caught these two stripers in Wahweap Bay on deep divers in about 25 to 45 feet of water.
We had some big bites up in Navajo Canyon, unfortunately the line broke on a big striper we caught trolling in the same depth near the back of the canyon.

My dad just relaxing and trolling along the canyon wall of Warm Creek.

I owe this fish to my dad cause he convinced me that we should fish off these rocks due to previous success the night before, as he saw this fish chase his berkley powerworm to the boat. It was a nice 4 lb Largemouth caught on the berkley powerworm texas rig style...Pops had a stag or he would have caught it as he says...maybe next year Pops!

Picture says it all...Largemouth Bass!

This is my dads photography shot as we let the Bass back into the water...

My biggest Smallmouth Bass caught on the powerworm 2lbs. but it felt like a 5 pounder the way it fought.